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Death of us citizen in india Form: What You Should Know

S. Embassy/consulate in that country (the Embassy or Consulate responsible for the state and province you are traveling to) within 14 calendar days. To get a duplicate certificate of death in your passport you will have to return to the U.S. embassy or consulate with your original documents and make an additional filing request before the U.S. embassy/consulate issues a duplicate certificate.  To Travel to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in India for a report of death: Mail a completed request form, with the required documentation to: U.S. Department of State Consular Affairs P.O. Box 2316 Brussels, Belgium Note: To report that a U.S. citizen had died abroad and has been buried, a completed form is needed to get an original death certificate. The form (Form DS-2501) is available online. Request a Letter to Be Provided by Your Local Consulate for Return and Re-Enactment of Nonimmigrant Visas U.S. Department of State Consular Affairs P.O. Box 1682 Washington, D.C.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Death of us citizen in india

Instructions and Help about Death of us citizen in india

Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: Hello ladies and gentlemen. This is Attorney Sharp Rally. We're going to talk about the situation based on this memo that came in on November 18, 2015, approving a spouse immediate relative visa. And the Section 204 L of the Immigration Nationality Act, after the death of a US citizen petitioner, this memo clarifies something which has always been a little bit tricky. What happens if you marry a US citizen and unfortunately, your spouse, the US citizen spouse, dies within two years of the marriage? Based on any lawsuit that happened and an appeal that happened, and the USCIS in the case Williams versus DHS Secretary, they say now that the I-130 that you filed will still be good under Section 204 L. That means basically before, what happens when you become a widow, you had to convert that form to an I-360 and then file to get your green card. But in this case, they are saying no, you don't have to do that because you don't qualify under that. And in this case, the mentioned Williams versus DHS, they were saying that person didn't qualify as a widower because that person got married just after the US citizen spouse died. But ultimately, now this is not going to be the law. It has not been with the case since November 2015. That person will still be able to adjust status, that means using the I-130 petition which was filed with the I-485, that person will still be able to meet the requirements to adjust status and get a green card. Of course, they have to meet the requirement that the marriage was bona fide, that means it was a genuine marriage. But at the end of the day, you will still...