Welcome again, my friends, to another edition of the Heritage Wealth Planning YouTube channel. Today's going to be a follow-up on the other episodes we've been talking about social security. I'm linking to them there, that's why I'm doing that. This can be about survivor benefits, though, as opposed to what we talked about last time, which is spousal benefits. And then we talked about before, just taking your own benefit with PIAA and a IM ii and all the various acronym ins that go with Social Security. Survivor benefits is a whole different animal, and like the other benefits that you can apply for, you need to understand it. And it's not an easy thing to do; it's complex, and I highly suggest you take some time to research this because once you do it in this day and age, it's awful hard to go back and fix it. So, scared to give some leeway there but that's changing all the time. So what happened was, in 2015, President Obama signed these new rules on Social Security, which we talked about before, and that did change some of the restrictions on spousal benefits, but not really anything to do with survivor benefits. So just gotta be clear, survivor benefits are different than spousal benefits, which are different than your own benefit. A survivor benefit simply means, I die, my surviving spouse can get the greater of my benefit that I was getting at my death or her own benefit that she was getting when I died. She can get the greater of those two; she can't get more than either of those, but she can't get less. She can get the greater of both of those, that's what a survivor benefit is. Now, unlike a spousal benefit where the...
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How long do you have to report a death to social security Form: What You Should Know
Social Security file to the office within 3 weeks of a death or in as little as a few days if the person isn't a resident of your state. There are a lot of steps involved. You can read the document from the funeral Do you know anyone who was impacted by the current health care insurance debate? Contact your member of Congress and your senator at the following Email members.McCain.Senate.house.gov What is the best website for looking up the income and assets of an account? I'm an adult living or dying in the community. I'm not a citizen. What kind of information do you need to receive benefits if you live in the community? When you move into a new home, it's often best to inform the Social Security office where the new residence is to obtain your income and assets information. The person you're moving in with should inform their local SS office, so they can provide this information when you move in. When your relative dies, are there any restrictions placed on what assets can be kept in a will? Yes. You can keep only property that is at least 50% of the person's final adjusted gross income. For example, the remains of a deceased can be kept only up to 50% of a deceased's final adjusted gross income. In the event a deceased owns a company, the company will be kept and used in the same manner as your own property. In states such as Virginia, a partner must still sign the will of the deceased individual, and, similarly, the beneficiary who receives the remainder of the estate is responsible to make sure it's not used unfairly. For detailed information on how to proceed with a will in this situation, contact the Virginia Department of Financial Services at or. Please note that you cannot receive funeral services if you do not know the deceased's will. What do you need to file an individual retirement account (IRA) or employer retirement account? You must file a statement of account (S.O.A.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How long do you have to report a death to social security